Poltergeists and Telekinesis

 I have begun to notice something that seems to occur in my home, each time an object moves, and by move, I mean FLY ACROSS THE ROOM, it co-incides with my emotional state. Poltergeist comes from a German word “Poltern” and “Geist”, which is “to be a noisy ghost” (www.dictionary.com). More often than not, Poltergeists often make noise, such as knocking, footsteps, and sometimes wild, sporatic movements such as throwing objects or breaking items. Many also believe that Poltergeists occur when adolescent females (or menopausal women) are in a high emotional state, either telekinetically (the ability to move objects with the mind) causing objects to move or by lending great amounts of energy to an already present entity so that their actions can manifest. But what if this does not only apply to adolescents or menopausal women, but to anyone?

Perhaps the ability to move objects or bend objects (psychokinesis) with our minds is in all of us, and those individuals who efficiently use their brain are capable of moving these objects without the conscious awareness of doing so and that is why the movements are so sporadic and uncontrolled. What if we could control these brain functions, would we then be able to loose the word Poltergeist al-together? Perhaps this is something that people should consider the next time a toy truck comes flying down the stairs at them, maybe they should look at the woman next to them and wonder if they pissed her off!

Just like the Energy Pool Theory,  humans do not efficiently use their body. Only using a small percent of their brain functions, tapping into the other parts of your brain, which would require extensive practice, concentration, exercises, etc. would mean that anyone would have the capability of having “psychic” gifts. Unconsciously I could be causing any activity around me, and I may be causing these experiences instead of them happening to me. This is something that I must always be conscious of. I must understand that, although a real “haunt”, the Poltergeists that occur around me may be nothing more than excess brain energy releasing, and not a present entity; this may have been the case of the Black Dog and the ex boyfriend, however great a story it makes.

~ by D. Michelle Smith on January 15, 2011.

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